128 research outputs found

    Role of Nitrogen on Growth and Seed Yield of Soybean and a New Fertilization Technique to Promote Nitrogen Fixation and Seed Yield

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    Soybean is an important crop for human food and feed for livestock. World soybean production is increasing especially in North and South America. Soybean seeds contain a high percentage of protein about 35–40%, and they require a large amount of nitrogen compared with other crops. Soybean plants make root nodules with rhizobia, and rhizobia can fix atmospheric N2 and give the fixed N to the host soybean plants. Also, soybean can absorb nitrogen usually nitrate from soil or fertilizers. The amount of total assimilated nitrogen in shoot is proportional to the soybean seed yield either from nitrogen fixation or from nitrogen absorption, and the nitrogen availability is very important for soybean cultivation. Maintenance of a high and long-term nitrogen fixation activity is very important for a high production of soybean. However, application of chemical nitrogen fertilizers usually depresses nodule formation and nitrogen fixation. Nitrate in direct contact with a nodulated part of roots causes severe inhibition of nodule growth and nitrogen fixation, although a distant part of nodules from nitrate application gives no or little effect. Deep placement of slow-release nitrogen fertilizers, coated urea, or lime nitrogen promoted the growth and seed yield and quality of soybean without depressing nitrogen fixation

    Neuropeptide signaling through neurokinin-1 and neurokinin-2 receptors augments antigen presentation by human dendritic cells

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    Background: Neurotransmitters, including substance P (SP) and neurokinin A (NKA), are widely distributed in both the central and peripheral nervous system and their receptors, neurokinin-1 receptor (NK1R) and neurokinin-2 receptor (NK2R), are expressed on immune cells. However, the role of the NKA-NK2R axis in immune responses relative to the SP-NK1R signaling cascade has not been elucidated. Objective: We sought to examine the effect of neuropeptide signaling through NK1Rand NK2R on antigen presentation by dendritic cells (DCs) and the subsequent activation of effector Th cells. Methods: Expression levels of NK1R, NK2R, HLA-class II and costimulatory molecules of human MoDCs and cytokine production by birch pollen antigen-specific CD4+ T cells cocultured with MoDCs in the presence of NK1R and NK2R antagonists were evaluated by quantitative RT-PCR, flow cytometry or ELISA. NK1R and NK2R expression in the lung of patients with asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Results: Human MoDCs significantly upregulated NK2R and NK1R expression in response to poly I:C stimulation in a STAT1-dependent manner. Both NK2R and NK1R were expressed on alveolar macrophages and lung DCs from patients with asthma and pneumonitis hypersensitivity. Surface expression levels of HLA-class II and costimulatory molecules on DCs were modulated by NK1R or NK2R antagonists. Activation of birch pollen-derived antigen-specific CD4+ T cells and their production of cytokines including IL-4 and IFN-γ as well as IL-12 production by MoDCs, were suppressed by blocking NK1R or NK2R after in vitro antigen stimulation. Conclusions: NK1R- and NK2R-mediated neuropeptide signaling promotes both innate and acquired immune responses through activation of human DCs

    DART: Dependable VLSI Test Architecture and Its Implementation

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    Although many electronic safety-related systems require very high reliability, it is becoming harder and harder to achieve it because of delay-related failures, which are caused by decreased noise margin. This paper describes a technology named DART and its implementation. The DART repeatedly measures the maximum delay of a circuit and the amount of degradation in field, in consequence, confirms the marginality of the circuit. The system employing the DART will be informed the significant reduction of delay margin in advance of a failure and be able to repair it at an appropriate time. The DART also equips a technique to improve the test coverage using the rotating test and a technique to consider the test environment such as temperature or voltage using novel ring-oscillator-based monitors. The authors applied the proposed technology to an industrial design and confirmed its effectiveness and availability with reasonable resources.2012 IEEE International Test Conference, 5-8 November 2012, Anaheim, CA, US

    52Fe Translocation in Barley as Monitored by a Positron-Emitting Tracer Imaging System (PETIS): Evidence for the Direct Translocation of Fe from Roots to Young Leaves via Phloem

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    The real-time translocation of iron (Fe) in barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Ehimehadaka no. 1) was visualized using the positron-emitting tracer 52Fe and a positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS). PETIS allowed us to monitor Fe translocation in barley non-destructively under various conditions. In all cases, 52Fe first accumulated at the basal part of the shoot, suggesting that this region may play an important role in Fe distribution in graminaceous plants. Fe-deficient barley showed greater translocation of 52Fe from roots to shoots than did Fe-sufficient barley, demonstrating that Fe deficiency causes enhanced 52Fe uptake and translocation to shoots. In the dark, translocation of 52Fe to the youngest leaf was equivalent to or higher than that under the light condition, while the translocation of 52Fe to the older leaves was decreased, in both Fe-deficient and Fe-sufficient barley. This suggests the possibility that the mechanism and/or pathway of Fe translocation to the youngest leaf may be different from that to the older leaves. When phloem transport in the leaf was blocked by steam treatment, 52Fe translocation from the roots to older leaves was not affected, while 52Fe translocation to the youngest leaf was reduced, indicating that Fe is translocated to the youngest leaf via phloem in addition to xylem. We propose a novel model in which root-absorbed Fe is translocated from the basal part of the shoots and/or roots to the youngest leaf via phloem in graminaceous plants

    CT Image Segmentation Using FEM with Optimized Boundary Condition

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    The authors propose a CT image segmentation method using structural analysis that is useful for objects with structural dynamic characteristics. Motivation of our research is from the area of genetic activity. In order to reveal the roles of genes, it is necessary to create mutant mice and measure differences among them by scanning their skeletons with an X-ray CT scanner. The CT image needs to be manually segmented into pieces of the bones. It is a very time consuming to manually segment many mutant mouse models in order to reveal the roles of genes. It is desirable to make this segmentation procedure automatic. Although numerous papers in the past have proposed segmentation techniques, no general segmentation method for skeletons of living creatures has been established. Against this background, the authors propose a segmentation method based on the concept of destruction analogy. To realize this concept, structural analysis is performed using the finite element method (FEM), as structurally weak areas can be expected to break under conditions of stress. The contribution of the method is its novelty, as no studies have so far used structural analysis for image segmentation. The method's implementation involves three steps. First, finite elements are created directly from the pixels of a CT image, and then candidates are also selected in areas where segmentation is thought to be appropriate. The second step involves destruction analogy to find a single candidate with high strain chosen as the segmentation target. The boundary conditions for FEM are also set automatically. Then, destruction analogy is implemented by replacing pixels with high strain as background ones, and this process is iterated until object is decomposed into two parts. Here, CT image segmentation is demonstrated using various types of CT imagery

    Promising System for Selecting Healthy In Vitro–Fertilized Embryos in Cattle

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    Conventionally, in vitro–fertilized (IVF) bovine embryos are morphologically evaluated at the time of embryo transfer to select those that are likely to establish a pregnancy. This method is, however, subjective and results in unreliable selection. Here we describe a novel selection system for IVF bovine blastocysts for transfer that traces the development of individual embryos with time-lapse cinematography in our developed microwell culture dish and analyzes embryonic metabolism. The system can noninvasively identify prognostic factors that reflect not only blastocyst qualities detected with histological, cytogenetic, and molecular analysis but also viability after transfer. By assessing a combination of identified prognostic factors—(i) timing of the first cleavage; (ii) number of blastomeres at the end of the first cleavage; (iii) presence or absence of multiple fragments at the end of the first cleavage; (iv) number of blastomeres at the onset of lag-phase, which results in temporary developmental arrest during the fourth or fifth cell cycle; and (v) oxygen consumption at the blastocyst stage—pregnancy success could be accurately predicted (78.9%). The conventional method or individual prognostic factors could not accurately predict pregnancy. No newborn calves showed neonatal overgrowth or death. Our results demonstrate that these five predictors and our system could provide objective and reliable selection of healthy IVF bovine embryos

    ショクドウ ソウカン ニヨル フンゴウブ カンゼン リカイ オ カイケッチョウ サイケン デ シュウフクシタ ショクドウ セツジョ ノ 1レイ

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    症例は60 歳代, 男性. 身長162.6 cm, 体重40.0 kg, Body Mass Index(BMI)15.1 kg / m2であり, 既往歴に慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)を認めた. 胸部上部食道癌 T1b N0 M0 Stage Iに対して食道亜全摘, 3領域リンパ節郭清, 胸骨後胃管再建を施行した.術当日に抜管したが, 術後肺炎に伴う呼吸不全のため, 術後6日目に気管内挿管を試みたが、食道挿管となった.再挿管, 人工呼吸管理の後に軽快し術後13日目に抜管となったが, 術後透視で吻合部周囲に造影剤漏出を認めた. 2ヶ月間の保存的加療で造影剤漏出は消失したが吻合部に長径4 cmの高度狭窄を認めた.内視鏡的拡張術での改善は困難であり, 術後243日目に消化管再建術を施行した. 手術所見として, 第2肋間より頭側の胸骨を切除したところ, 胃管の口側断端は第2肋間の高さの胸骨後面に位置していた.食道断端までは肉芽で置換されていた.胸骨前経路回結腸再建を施行し, 再建術後 8日目に食事を開始し, 合併症なく再建術後30日目に退院となった. 回結腸再建後2年経過後も食道癌の再発は認めず, 通過障害なく経口摂取のみでの生活が可能となっている.A 60s-year-old man underwent endoscopic screening during which a tumor was detected in the upper thoracic esophagus, which was diagnosed as T1bN0M0 Stage I esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. He had a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. He underwent subtotal esophagectomy with 3 field lymph node dissection. Reconstruction was performed by gastric tube through the posterior sternal route. Extubation was performed on the day of surgery. Respiratory failure by postoperative pneumonia occurred, and ventilatory management was performed on the sixth postoperative day. However, the intubation was put into the esophagus. He became well and extubation was performed on the 13th postoperative day. Postoperative fluoroscopy showed contrast leakage around the anastomotic site. After 2 months of conservative treatment, the contrast leak disappeared, but there was a severe stenosis of 4 cm in length at the anastomosis. Endoscopic dilatation was not sufficient to improve the stenosis. Gastrointestinal reconstruction was performed on the 243rd postoperative day. The cephalic sternum was resected, and the gastrointestinal canal opening margin was located on the posterior surface of the sternum, at the level of the second intercostal space. The segment was replaced by a granulation. The patient underwent anterior sternal ileocolic reconstruction. Oral intake started on the 8th day after the reconstruction, and hospital discharge was on the 30 th day after the reconstruction without any complications. Two years after ileocolic reconstruction, there has been no cancer recurrence, and he lives well on oral intake only